Monday, March 21, 2011

Self addressed stamped envelopes, junk mail, and anal itching

Getting junk mail at home irritates me for a few reasons but I do my best to get revenge on the A-holes that send that crap to me.  I think it's really rude to send litter to my home from some worthless marketing company in BFE and then expect me to do business with them or force me to recycle their crap.  Fortunately, these inconsiderate jerks (Cox, AAA, BofA and many others) include self addressed stamped envelopes (SASE)  with their crap to assist me with the recycling process.  I simply tear up all the garbage they send to me, stuff it into SASE and mail it back to BFE.  Occasionally, the SASE is large enough to include junk mail from other senders, which helps me keep my home office uncluttered.  Yesterday I noticed a pamphlet on anal itching that I no longer needed so I mailed it to one of the junk senders, on their dime, for them to read and recycle.  My favorite related story involves a man who received excessive junk mail from one company.  To get revenge, he attached a SASE to a used car tire and send it to those jerks.  They stopped contacting him after that.

Did you know the post office is projected to lose $6B this year? I am trying to help them get back into the black by utilizing the SASEs.  In fact, I feel they should double or triple the price of sending junk mail.  This would benefit both the post office and the environment.


  1. You have inspired me to take a dump in a SASE and send it back...
